
Thursday 30 October 2014

Mrs Maude's Shoes

Mrs Maude’s Story about her shoes?

We wear shoes because they protect our feet. I like wearing my shoes. They feel soft on my feet. Imagine getting nicely dressed and not wearing shoes. It wouldn’t feel quite right unless you were at the beach!

My favourite shoes are sandals. I can’t wait until winter is over so I can wear them. Do you know what? I own over 25 pairs of shoes, but let’s get back to my favourite sandals. They are coloured orange and pale blue and they come from a country called Denmark. My sandals cost me a lot of money but they are so, so comfortable.

I also like wearing slippers. When I come home I take off my shoes and slip on my comfortable slippers.

Why is it important for people to be fit?

Why is it important for people to be fit?

I am going to tell you why it is important for people to stay fit. Firstly to be fit you must exercise. Children exercise everyday when they walk to school and home. At lunchtime they play on the playground and run around on the field. At Pt England School the children participate in athletics, swimming lessons and cross country training. It is harder to keep fit when it is raining. We exercise inside by doing jump jam and gymnastics.

Another important way to stay fit is to eat healthy food. We need to eat fruit, vegetables, proteins and carbohydrates to stay fit and healthy. We shouldn’t eat very much fats and sugars.

When we are fit our muscles grow bigger and stronger. Then we can carry heavy things and work hard. If we work hard we help our family and friends.

If we are fit our heart is strong and we won’t get very sick. I think this is the most important reason to stay fit. It’s all about being healthy.  
By Class 15

Hinerangi's and Lillyana's Super Spelling

I ate a whole apple. 
I saw a hole in the ground when I was walking home from school. 

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Class 15s Amazing Cross Country Run

Cross Country from Team 3 PES on Vimeo.

Well done Class 15 you all trained hard and did your best in the Pt England 2014 Cross Country.

Why is it important to eat healthy food?

I am going to tell you why it is important to eat healthy food. First when I eat my delicious apple it goes down into my body. Your teeth break the food into small pieces. Next it travels down your oesophagus and then to your stomach. Your stomach squeezes the tasty food into moosh. The small intestine helps the nutrients to be absorbed into your blood. Your heart pumps my blood around your body through your veins. That is why it is important to eat healthy food. By Lillyana

Why is it important to eat Healthy Food?

It is important to eat healthy food to get brainy. When I eat my juicy apple I chew it into small pieces and then swallow it. Next it goes through my oesophagus. The oesophagus is a long tube. My stomach squeezes the tasty food into moosh. I like to eat apples and bananas. The small intestine helps the nutrients to be absorbed into the blood. The sugar and fat is flushed out. The heart pumps the blood around the body. That is why it is great to eat healthy food. By Aisha

Why is it Important to eat Healthy Food?

I'm going to tell you why it is important to eat healthy food. When we put food in our mouth our teeth and saliva break it into small pieces. The food goes through the oesophagus, then down into your stomach. My stomach squeezes the tasty food into moosh. The moosh slides through the tube into the small intestine. The small intestine helps the nutrients to be absorbed into the blood. The blood is pumped through our veins around our body. That is why we must eat healthy food. By Hopa

Illustration by Jordan