
Wednesday 23 July 2014

Snowy Mountains

I drove up the snowy mountain to see the beautiful lake. I lay down in the fluffy snow. It felt like a lovely pillow.  By Class 15.

Emmanuel's Holiday Recount

Emmanuel holiday Recount from Team 3 PES on Vimeo.  Emmanuel tell us about his trip to Sylvia Park to a movie.

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Fraction Art

Class 15 is making fraction

 Look at our fraction art. We made caterpillars, birds and people using whole circles, as well as circles cut into quarters, fifths, sixths and eighths.

Coyote and Road Runner

Coyote and Road Runner

The coyote had bird seed that he spread on the road. The road runner came and saw bird seed on the ground. He ate it. The coyote tied his legs then jumped down on the road. He tried to catch the road runner. The coyote flew away into the wall. He fell down. A truck hit him. The truck flew up, crashed into the bridge and exploded.

By Apineru

The coyote was trying to catch the sleek road runner. The coyote had an idea so he climbed up on the bridge. He jumped down to try and catch road runner with the bungy cord attached to him. The coyote tried and tried but he  could not get him at all.

By Hilary